!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> Marshallx Industries: Playlist Manager - Mod Support
Marshallx Industries
 Playlist Manager - Mod Support
 Mod Support
If you would like to add support for the YRPM to your mod then please read these instructions carefully.

Why should I support the YRPM?
The YRPM is used by many people in the Yuri's Revenge community. If your mod helps it work at its full potential then the users will appreciate it. The YRPM is essentially an audio plug-in for Yuri's Revenge mods, and not all players in a network or internet game have to be running the same custom soundtrack. If your mod includes additional audio tracks, then it is essential to support the YRPM or your extra tracks will not be heard by the users of the program.

What does support of the program involve?
Just a few string table entries to avoid missing names in the in-game playlist, and naming your extra audio track files appropriately so that the program can allow for them.
This document assumes that you are sufficiently competent in modifying Red Alert 2, particularly in the areas of editing ra2md.csf and, if you are adding extra audio tracks to your mod, editing thememd.ini.

Whether you include custom tracks in your mod or not, the following string table entries are used by the YRPM and need to be in as many mods as possible.
theme:am_gloom=(AM) Gloom
theme:am_bog=(AM) Bog
theme:am_floating=(AM) Floating
theme:am_groundwire=(AM) Ground Wire
theme:am_mechanicalman2=(AM) Mechanical Man 2
theme:am_search=(AM) Search
theme:am_traction=(AM) Traction
theme:am_wasteland=(AM) Wasteland

theme:co_c&c80smix=(CO) C&C 80's Mix
theme:co_creepingupon=(CO) Creeping Upon
theme:co_depthcharge=(CO) Depth Charge
theme:co_die=(CO) Die
theme:co_drill=(CO) Drill
theme:co_drone=(CO) Drone
theme:co_greatshot=(CO) Great Shot!
theme:co_ironfist=(CO) Iron Fist
theme:co_iam=(CO) I Am
theme:co_maptheme=(CO) Map Theme
theme:co_recon=(CO) Recon
theme:co_tobefeared=(CO) To Be Feared
theme:co_valkyrie=(CO) Valkyrie
theme:co_voicerhythm=(CO) Voice Rhythm

theme:cs_arazoid=(CS) Arazoid
theme:cs_backstab=(CS) Backstab
theme:cs_chaos2=(CS) Chaos 2
theme:cs_secondhand=(CS) Second Hand
theme:cs_shutit=(CS) Shut It
theme:cs_twinmix=(CS) Twin Mix
theme:cs_under3=(CS) Under 3
theme:cs_vr2=(CS) VR2

theme:eu_SetTheWorldOnFire=(EU) Set The World On Fire*
theme:eu_FightItBack=(EU) Fight It Back
theme:eu_UntilTheEnd=(EU) Until The End
theme:eu_Campione2000=(EU) Campione 2000

theme:fs_deploymachines=(FS) Deploy Machines
theme:fs_elusive=(FS) Elusive
theme:fs_hacker=(FS) Hacker
theme:fs_infiltration=(FS) Infiltration
theme:fs_killingmachine=(FS) Killing Machine
theme:fs_linkup=(FS) Link Up
theme:fs_mapselecttheme=(FS) Map Select Theme
theme:fs_menutheme=(FS) Menu Theme
theme:fs_raininthenight=(FS) Rain in the Night
theme:fs_slavetothesystem=(FS) Slave to the System

theme:ra_afterlife=(RA) Afterlife
theme:ra_bigfoot=(RA) Big Foot
theme:ra_creditstheme=(RA) Credits Theme
theme:ra_crush=(RA) Crush
theme:ra_dense=(RA) Dense
theme:ra_facetheenemy1=(RA) Face the Enemy 1
theme:ra_facetheenemy2=(RA) Face the Enemy 2
theme:ra_fogger=(RA) Fogger
theme:ra_hellmarch=(RA) Hell March
theme:ra_menutheme=(RA) Menu Theme
theme:ra_mapselecttheme=(RA) Map Select Theme
theme:ra_mud=(RA) Mud
theme:ra_radio2=(RA) Radio 2
theme:ra_rollout=(RA) Roll Out
theme:ra_run=(RA) Run
theme:ra_militantforce=(RA) Militant Force (Score)
theme:ra_smash=(RA) Smash
theme:ra_snake=(RA) Snake
theme:ra_terminate=(RA) Terminate
theme:ra_trenches=(RA) Trenches
theme:ra_twincannon=(RA) Twin Cannon
theme:ra_vector=(RA) Vector
theme:ra_workmen=(RA) Workmen

theme:ra2_200meters=(RA2) 200 Meters
theme:ra2_blowitup=(RA2) Blow It Up
theme:ra2_burn=(RA2) Burn
theme:ra2_creditstheme=(RA2) Credits Theme
theme:ra2_destroy=(RA2) Destroy
theme:ra2_eaglehunter=(RA2) Eagle Hunter
theme:ra2_fortification=(RA2) Fortification
theme:ra2_grinder=(RA2) Grinder
theme:ra2_hellmarch2=(RA2) Hell March 2
theme:ra2_indeep=(RA2) In Deep
theme:ra2_industrofunk=(RA2) Industro Funk
theme:ra2_jank=(RA2) Jank
theme:ra2_motorized=(RA2) Motorized
theme:ra2_power=(RA2) Power
theme:ra2_scoretheme=(RA2) Score Theme
theme:ra2_tension=(RA2) Tension

theme:ra2x_c&cinthehouse=(RA2X) C&C In The House
theme:ra2x_readythearmy=(RA2X) Ready The Army
theme:ra2x_probing=(RA2X) Probing

theme:ren_packingiron=(REN) Packing Iron
theme:ren_ammoclip=(REN) Ammo Clip
theme:ren_industrial=(REN) Industrial
theme:ren_moveit=(REN) Move It
theme:ren_onyourfeet=(REN) On Your Feet
theme:ren_gotapresentforya=(REN) Got a Present For Ya
theme:ren_actoninstinct=(REN) Act On Instinct
theme:ren_sniper=(REN) Sniper
theme:ren_sneakattack=(REN) Sneak Attack
theme:ren_stomp=(REN) Stomp
theme:ren_beach=(REN) Beach
theme:ren_command&conquer=(REN) Command & Conquer
theme:ren_defunkt=(REN) Defunkt
theme:ren_inthelineoffire=(REN) In the Line of Fire
theme:ren_mechanicalmansrevenge=(REN) Mechanical Man's Revenge
theme:ren_optionstheme=(REN) Options Theme
theme:ren_renegadejungle=(REN) Renegade Jungle
theme:ren_sakurabattletheme=(REN) Sakura Battle Theme
theme:ren_sakuradogfight=(REN) Sakura Dogfight
theme:ren_stopthemagain=(REN) Stop Them Again

theme:td_airstrike=(TD) Air Strike
theme:td_actoninstinct=(TD) Act On Instinct
theme:td_c&cthang=(TD) C&C Thang
theme:td_canyonchase=(TD) Canyon Chase
theme:td_demolition=(TD) Demolition
theme:td_fightwinprevail=(TD) Fight Win Prevail
theme:td_fullstop=(TD) Full Stop
theme:td_industrial=(TD) Industrial
theme:td_inthelineoffire=(TD) In the Line of Fire
theme:td_introuble=(TD) In Trouble
theme:td_justdoitup=(TD) Just Do It Up
theme:td_justdoitup2=(TD) Just Do It Up 2
theme:td_marchtodoom=(TD) March to Doom
theme:td_nomercy=(TD) No Mercy
theme:td_ontheprowl=(TD) On the Prowl
theme:td_prepareforbattle=(TD) Prepare for Battle
theme:td_radio=(TD) Radio
theme:td_raininthenight=(TD) Rain in the Night
theme:td_target=(TD) Target (Mechanical Man)
theme:td_untamedland=(TD) Untamed Land
theme:td_wewillstopthemnow=(TD) We Will Stop Them Now

theme:ts_approach=(TS) Approach
theme:ts_defense=(TS) Defense
theme:ts_duskhour=(TS) Dusk Hour
theme:ts_flurry=(TS) Flurry
theme:ts_gloom=(TS) Gloom
theme:ts_heroism=(TS) Heroism
theme:ts_infrared=(TS) Infrared
theme:ts_introtheme=(TS) Intro Theme
theme:ts_ionstorm=(TS) Ion Storm
theme:ts_lonetroop=(TS) Lone Troop
theme:ts_madrap=(TS) Mad Rap
theme:ts_mapselecttheme=(TS) Map Select Theme
theme:ts_mutants=(TS) Mutants
theme:ts_nodcrush=(TS) Nod Crush
theme:ts_pharotek=(TS) Pharotek
theme:ts_redsky=(TS) Red Sky
theme:ts_scoretheme=(TS) Score Theme
theme:ts_scout=(TS) Scout
theme:ts_timebomb=(TS) Time Bomb
theme:ts_valves=(TS) Valves
theme:ts_whatlurks=(TS) What Lurks

theme:user01=Personal Track 01
theme:user02=Personal Track 02
theme:user03=Personal Track 03
theme:user04=Personal Track 04
theme:user05=Personal Track 05
theme:user06=Personal Track 06
theme:user07=Personal Track 07
theme:user08=Personal Track 08
theme:user09=Personal Track 09
theme:user10=Personal Track 10
theme:user11=Personal Track 11
theme:user12=Personal Track 12
theme:user13=Personal Track 13
theme:user14=Personal Track 14
theme:user15=Personal Track 15
theme:user16=Personal Track 16
theme:user17=Personal Track 17
theme:user18=Personal Track 18
theme:user19=Personal Track 19
theme:user20=Personal Track 20
theme:user21=Personal Track 21
theme:user22=Personal Track 22
theme:user23=Personal Track 23
theme:user24=Personal Track 24
theme:user25=Personal Track 25
theme:user26=Personal Track 26
theme:user27=Personal Track 27
theme:user28=Personal Track 28
theme:user29=Personal Track 29
theme:user30=Personal Track 30
theme:user31=Personal Track 31
theme:user32=Personal Track 32
theme:user33=Personal Track 33
theme:user34=Personal Track 34
theme:user35=Personal Track 35
theme:user36=Personal Track 36
theme:user37=Personal Track 37
theme:user38=Personal Track 38
theme:user39=Personal Track 39
theme:user40=Personal Track 40
theme:user41=Personal Track 41
theme:user42=Personal Track 42
theme:user43=Personal Track 43
theme:user44=Personal Track 44
theme:user45=Personal Track 45
theme:user46=Personal Track 46
theme:user47=Personal Track 47
theme:user48=Personal Track 48
theme:user49=Personal Track 49
theme:user50=Personal Track 50

theme:yr_brainfreeze=(YR) Brain Freeze
theme:yr_bullykit=(YR) Bully Kit
theme:yr_creditstheme=(YR) Credits Theme
theme:yr_deceiver=(YR) Deceiver
theme:yr_defendthebase=(YR) Defend the Base
theme:yr_drok=(YR) Drok
theme:yr_phatattack=(YR) Phat Attack
theme:yr_scoretheme=(YR) Score Theme
theme:yr_tactics=(YR) Tactics
theme:yr_trancelvania=(YR) Trance L. Vania

Note that the above list can easily be added in Launch Base Mod Creator or XCC Mod Creator using CSF compression by simplying copy & pasting the strings into a text file.
You should also include any string table entries that you need for your own tracks (see below).

What follows is a list of the settings employed for tracks in the YRPM's generated thememd.ini file.
The settings you use in your own mod are up to you but if the YRPM has been used then the following settings will be applied (overriding whatever settings are used in your mod).

Menu track: Your WAV file should be named intro88.wav.

Loading track: Your WAV file should be named load88.wav.

Score track: Your WAV file should be named score88.wav.

The following generic theme slots are available for you to use for your extra in-game tracks:

Where xx is a two digit number from 01 to 50. Your WAV files should be named trackxx.wav.
Don't forget to include the THEME:TRACKxx strings in your string table for the tracks you use.

Other theme entry settings (eg: CREDITS) are not modified. You should use the existing settings for such tracks and name your audio files accordingly.
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